The Sexual Health Promotion Graduate Assistant and trained undergraduate Peer Health Educators can provide interactive programs and presentations on a variety of sexual health topics.

Risk reduction
Sexually transmitted infections

Zenker Wellness Suite

The Zenker Wellness Suite in Summers Recreation Center provides handouts and free giveaways related to sexual health plus seasonal and semester promotions. 

Sexual health questions

Meet with the Sexual Health Graduate Assistant during their office hours in Zenker to ask questions for yourself or a friend and learn about relevant resources.   

Go Ask Alice

A health question and answer Internet resource produced by Alice! Health Promotion at Columbia University

More sexual health information

Additional sexual health information is available from:

Community resources   

Affiliated with the WashU School of Medicine 

Contraceptive Choice Center   
Division of Infectious Diseases Clinic   
ProjectARK: HIV prevention, care & support
The SPOT: Supporting Positive Opportunities with Teens   

Other community resources

Metro Trans Umbrella Group: resources for trans and gender-nonconforming individuals in St. Louis.  
Missouri Family Health Council: mails free EC in advance of an emergency  
Planned Parenthood   
St. Louis Queer+Support Helpline   

National resources

Bedsider: birth control, sex tips & other information   
Information on sexually transmitted diseases from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)