Emergency assistance
On campus
- 314-935-5555
for WashU Police and EST
Off campus
- 911
Call for help if the person shows any of these signs:
No breathing /no pulse | |
Irregular or difficulty breathing (choking, wheezing, or rasping) | |
Unconscious or semiconscious, unable to “wake up” | |
Difficulty standing, walking, or speaking | |
Vomiting while passed out | |
Shaking/convulsions/seizures | |
Low body temperature (chills/shivering) | |
Skin is pale, cold, clammy, or bluish (skin, lips or nail beds) | |
Unable to control their bodily functions | |
Injury, violence, or threatening violence | |
Paranoia, confusion, or disorientation | |
At risk of hurting self or others |
When in doubt, call for help
If the fear of university disciplinary consequences makes you hesitant to call EST or 911, know that WashU has a medical amnesty policy.
Encourages students to seek medical care in an alcohol or other drug-related emergency | |
Reduces the potential barrier of seeking emergency help out of fear of disciplinary consequences |
Until help arrives
Try to avoid moving the person, if possible. Moving a person can increase risk of injury; however, their airway is the highest concern. If they are vomiting while lying on their back, there is a high risk of choking on their vomit. If the person is vomiting, put them in the recovery position depicted below: