Located in Sumers Recreation Center near the main entrance, the Zenker Wellness Suite (Room 303) is the health promotion hub for Health Services.

Zenker is a welcoming space, staffed by graduate students and featuring health promotion resources on key topics for undergraduate and graduate students. 

  • Sumers Recreation Center, near the main entrance
  • 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday-Friday during fall and spring semesters

Zenker is closed during fall, winter, spring and summer breaks plus university holidays

Visit Zenker

You’ll find the following and more:

Free giveaways and handouts on health topics
Free snacks
Fresh fruit on Tasty Tuesdays
Free safer sex supplies
Answers for your health questions
Programming and resources for Danforth Campus students

Alcohol and other drugs

Handouts and giveaways related to risk reduction for alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, etc. 
Prescription drug disposal kits 
WashU Recovery Group info 

Mental health 

Handouts and giveaways related to sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, procrastination, suicide prevention, etc. 
Sleep masks 


Handouts and giveaways related to balanced eating and exercise, body image, etc. 
Free packaged snacks Monday – Friday while supplies last 
Free fresh fruit on Tasty Tuesdays (thanks to Dining Services) while supplies last 

Sexual health

Handouts and giveaways related to contraception options, family planning, STI risk reduction and screening, consent, and communication 
Safer sex supplies (external and internal condoms, lube, dams, gloves, etc.) 
Emergency Contraception 
Pregnancy tests

Other resources

Free reusable period supplies thanks to Go Green for the Red  
Info about the Peer Health Education program
Info about medical and mental health services available through Health Services, the Center for Counseling & Psychological Services, and TimelyCare.